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Posted By on Mar 4, 2015

The “Rosetta Stone” of Eastern and Western Medicine The Big Picture on Eastern Medicine The eastern systems of medicine are based in the holistic philosophy and consider the person as a whole rather than a complex system of molecules and organs, as defined by modern systems of medicine. The holistic philosophy considers the human being as a system, consisting of Mind, Body and Soul, which is capable of achieving optimal health and wellness by itself. Rather than treating the symptoms of a disease, it is more concerned about the effective elimination of the causes of disease. Eastern systems of medicine consider each person as unique and treats the person rather than the disease. The holistic approach believes in the ability of the innate to achieve the optimal health and works to regain the natural system state of well being through personalized food habits and improved lifestyle.   Practitioners of Eastern Medicine are Everywhere   The increasing risks of life style disorders and ineffectiveness of modern systems of medicines in their prevention, have become a huge concern for the industrialized world. This makes the eastern systems of medicine like Siddha, Ayurveda, etc., more relevant and are gaining more importance in recent years as a system of wellness rather than a system of treatment.   As per the National Health Interview Survey, on the use of complementary health approaches in the US, about 8.4% of adults and 3.3% of children used chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation. The survey says that 9.5% of the US adult used Yoga as a practice for wellbeing, 8.0% used meditation and 6.9% used massage therapy. This shows the growing popularity of the eastern systems of medicine as an alternative or complement to the modern systems of medicine to achieve quality life and wellbeing.   Does Eastern Medicine “really” work?   The effectiveness of eastern medicine is an important consideration. The eastern systems of medicine viz., Siddha and Ayurveda, provide effective treatment for systemic inflammatory diseases like Rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis and for chronic back pain. The eastern systems of medicine are also proving to be very effective in prevention of disorders like cancer and metabolic syndrome. The practices like acupuncture, meditation, yoga, therapeutic diets, massage, and herbal medicine have been practiced for thousands of years as part of the eastern system of medicine.   There are many researches and studies conducted regularly over the effectiveness of the eastern systems of medicine. National health organizations like National Centre for Complementary and Integrative Health, a body run by the government, is dedicated to new researches in alternative health products and practices. However, many forms of the eastern systems of...

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Umbrella Rides The Wind

Umbrella Rides The Wind

Posted By on Sep 15, 2010

Quisque ullamcorper enim vel tellus rhoncus et fermentum diam congue. Phasellus eu turpis lorem, id gravida nunc. In bibendum nulla vel quam pretium a fringilla erat ornare. Etiam hendrerit quam sed orci congue posuere laoreet urna condimentum. Nam vestibulum gravida semper. Maecenas ac nunc purus, et aliquam urna. Curabitur quis tellus vitae dolor tristique egestas. Fusce metus sem, accumsan vel auctor non, laoreet eget nulla. Donec lacinia elit ac nulla hendrerit at tincidunt justo facilisis. Praesent vel risus ut urna vestibulum fermentum. Pellentesque sollicitudin cursus blandit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Maecenas sed nulla sed lacus elementum dapibus. Praesent hendrerit semper tempor. Integer sollicitudin ultrices...

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Hip Young Woman

Hip Young Woman

Posted By on Sep 15, 2010

Donec nec facilisis nisi. Vivamus tempor feugiat velit gravida vehicula. Donec faucibus pellentesque ipsum id varius. Ut rutrum metus sed neque ultricies a dictum ante sagittis. Proin in facilisis diam. Sed placerat imperdiet purus, id sollicitudin magna pretium sit amet. Vivamus orci dolor, iaculis at volutpat eget, fermentum vel quam. Nullam non neque urna, ut ultrices nisi. Nulla convallis aliquam tortor, a imperdiet massa aliquet vel. Cras eu ante turpis, ut ornare mauris. Maecenas orci erat, ullamcorper at semper in, sodales ac diam. Sed eu eleifend felis. Praesent fringilla, arcu id interdum egestas, ante lorem blandit leo, ac imperdiet velit sapien ac metus. Proin lectus sem, pellentesque eu consequat sed, pulvinar ut risus. Pellentesque ut rutrum mauris. Nunc id ante libero. Vestibulum luctus lectus nec neque tempor quis congue purus...

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